vite build
The focus when talking about Vite is generally on its dev server, and how it achieves an instant feedback loop while developing. This new unbundled world is a game-changer for DX. But Vite also shines when building your app for production. Vite's strong focus in giving you an out-of-the-box solution to build optimized modern apps is as fundamental as its dev story.
So, let's dive into the Vite codebase to learn how Vite builds your code for production. This post should help you understand how the main pieces fits together to optimize your application, bundling and minifying your JS, CSS, and other assets. This is a high-level overview of the process, that can be useful as a starting point in case you want to explore the codebase to get involved and collaborate with the project. We'll be pointing to the implementation of each feature (as of Vite 2.6.2).
Warming Up
This post assumes that you have some previous knowledge of Vite. You should at least read the Why Vite Guide from the docs. Evan You did a great demo of Vite in Open Source Friday that is a good way to understand the main concepts. You should also read the Features Guide in Vite's docs. This post describes the internal plugins implementing these features. It is also a good idea to read the Rollup Plugin Development docs and the Vite Plugin API Guide if you want to dive into the codebase.
We are going to explore the default build mode targeting modern browsers. To support legacy browsers, Vite offers @vite_js/plugin-legacy. Vite can also be used to build libraries and watch mode. You can learn more about the different build options in the Build Guide.
It is a good idea to scaffold a simple Vite app (run pnpm dlx create-vite
and follow the prompts or read the Getting Started Guide for other package managers). I recommend you install Anthony Fu's vite-plugin-inspect. This plugin is more useful during dev, but a lot of the transformations are shared in dev and build so you can use it to see how some of Vite's internal plugins are changing your code.
The Big Picture
Let's first review what it means to build an app. In Vite, it all starts with the HTML entry (an index.html
at the root by default). This HTML file has script module tags and linked stylesheets.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module" src="/src/main.ts"></script>
<script type="module">
// inline script
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/main.css">
internal-style: {}
<div id="app"></div>
We need to crawl the HTML file to find each loaded JS module, inline script tags, and linked CSS stylesheets. JS sources go through the normal rollup bundling process resolving and transforming internal dependencies to generate a vendor.js
bundle (with dependencies that are not regularly updated) and an index.js
bundle (with the rest of our app). These output chunks need to be hashed to enable strong caching. Linked stylesheets will also be bundled together with any imported CSS file from JS sources in the main chunk to generate an index.css file for our app. Internal styles are left untouched.
Script tags or imports could point to typescript files or other file types, as long as Vite knows how to transpile them or it is extended with user plugins to deal with them. In the case above, the main.ts
file needs to be transformed to a JS file as part of the bundling process. In Vite, this is supported out of the box by using esbuild, a Go based bundler.
Once we have created the JS and CSS assets for the build, we replace the original script and link tags with them to create the output index.html
file for our app. Vite performs static analysis of imports to inject module preload link tags for each JS source that will be needed, allowing the browser to load these resources in parallel thus avoiding a loading waterfall.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module" src="/assets/index.d93758c6.js"></script>
<link rel="modulepreload" href="/assets/vendor.a9c538d6.js">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index.3015a40c.css">
internal-style: {}
<div id="app"></div>
Vite supports code splitting, both JS and CSS assets. When a dynamic import is encountered, an async JS chunk and a CSS chunk are generated for it. The import call is then instrumented in the importer chunk to preload its dependencies and wait for the corresponding CSS stylesheet.
Other assets like images, videos, wasm can be imported using relative paths. Vite also hashes these files when generating their output asset file and rewrites the URLs in JS and CSS files to point to them. On the other hand, assets on the public folder are copied as-is to the output root, and allow users to reference these files by stable absolute paths.
Each JS and CSS chunk needs to be minified for production. Vite also uses esbuild for this task for both languages since Vite 2.6.0, helping speed up the build process.
Now that we have an overview of the build process centered around the entry HTML file, let's dig into the details. Vite performs further optimizations and supports common web patterns by default, we'll check how these are implemented in the next sections.
An Opinionated Rollup Setup
At build time, you can think of Vite as an opinionated Rollup setup. The Rollup plugins API allows Vite to support most out-of-the-box features as independent plugins. Vite uses an extension of this plugin API, introducing new hooks that allows to better configure Vite (config
, configResolved
), transform the HTML entry (transformIndexHtml
), and extend development mode (configureServer
, handleHotUpdate
). There are a few compatibility caveats with Rollup plugins to take into account, but most plugins from the rollup ecosystem will work directly as a Vite plugin. Since we are focusing on build time, these extra hooks won't come into play. We don't have the Vite server, or HMR logic. Vite configures rollup, reusing the feature plugins that run during dev (support for JSON, wasm, workers, etc), and adds other plugins to optimize your code (minification, preloading, etc).
As we saw in the previous section, esbuild is used to transpile individual files (to strip typescript types and compile JSX) and as the default minifier. esbuild is also used as a bundler when pre-bundling dependencies, but this is a dev-only process. This may change in the future, there is a proposal to use esbuild pre-bundle dependencies also for production, aliasing dependencies to these chunks during the Rollup build phase.
Starting from the CLI
When you execute vite build
, the Vite CLI is run. The run command is implemented using cac. The action runs the public build
await build({ root, base, mode, config, logLevel, clearScreen, buildOptions })
This function calls into doBuild
. Here is a simplified version of the implementation, assuming defaults are used so the logic related to SSR, lib mode, and build --watch
can be removed.
async function doBuild(inlineConfig: InlineConfig = {}): RollupOutput
const config = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, 'build', 'production')
const outDir = resolve(config.build.outDir)
prepareOutDir(outDir, config)
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: resolve('index.html'),
plugins: config.plugins
return await bundle.write({
dir: outDir,
format: 'es',
exports: 'auto',
sourcemap: config.build.sourcemap,
entryFileNames: path.join(config.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].js`),
chunkFileNames: path.join(config.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].js`),
assetFileNames: path.join(config.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].[ext]`),
manualChunks: createMoveToVendorChunkFn()
First, resolveConfig
is used to generate a concrete ResolvedConfig
by resolving the user config, the project config files and Vite defaults. See ResolvedConfig
declaration, that extends UserConfig
const config = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, 'build', 'production')
const outDir = resolve(config.build.outDir)
Next, the output dir is prepared, emptying it before generating the assets. This function also adds support for the public directory feature, copying the content of publicDir
to the root of our dist folder.
prepareOutDir(outDir, config)
Then, a rollup bundle is created with the index.html
as input, and the resolved plugins. You can see the complete rollup options resolving.
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: resolve('index.html'),
plugins: config.plugins
Finally, bundle.write
is called to generate the assets in the output directory. You can check the complete write config object. In the snippets, we showcase the most important options assuming default values are used.
return await bundle.write({
dir: outDir,
format: 'es',
exports: 'auto',
sourcemap: config.build.sourcemap,
entryFileNames: path.join(options.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].js`),
chunkFileNames: path.join(options.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].js`),
assetFileNames: path.join(options.assetsDir, `[name].[hash].[ext]`),
manualChunks: createMoveToVendorChunkFn()
The createMoveToVendorChunkFn
function defines the default chunking strategy (that generates index.js
and vendor.js
assets for the build).
function createMoveToVendorChunkFn() {
return (id, { getModuleInfo }) => {
if (
id.includes('node_modules') &&
!isCSSRequest(id) &&
staticImportedByEntry(id, getModuleInfo)
) {
return 'vendor'
As we can see, the core of the build process is a Rollup setup with carefully selected defaults for Vite's target use case. The logic is a bit more complex in the codebase to support lib mode, SSR builds, and build --watch
. This is just the beginning of the story though, all the features and optimizations are implemented as Rollup plugins.
The Plugins Pipeline
Plugins are resolved during dev and build time in resolvedPlugins
. Vite inserts extra build plugins when building to handle minification and other optimizations using resolveBuildPlugins
. Apart from dev only or build only plugins, some plugins implement conditional logic depending on the current command. See for example, how config.command === 'serve'
is used in the vite:css
There are a few key plugins. vite:build-html
and vite:html-inline-proxy-plugin
to transform the HTML entry, replacing your loaded and inlined JS and CSS with optimized chunks. vite:css
and vite:css-post
to handle CSS and preprocessors. vite:esbuild
to transpile Typescript and JSX for each module. vite:asset
to manage static assets. vite:build-import-analysis
for preloading optimizations, glob import support, and URL rewriting. vite:esbuild-transpile
to transpile the chunks to the appropriate target and minify your code. Most plugins implement their features in isolation, but there are some cases where the responsibility is shared between a few of them working together.
The rest of the plugins implement further optimizations, improve compatibility and adds support for common Web patterns (like importing JSON, Wasm, or Worker Modules).
Some of these plugins are official Rollup Plugins (alias
, commonjs
, rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables
). Some are similar in functionality to other official Rollup plugins but have been reimplemented to better match Vite's API or to be able to include a different behavior during dev using Vite's extended plugin API.
Plugins Walkthrough
Let's dive into each of the plugins to learn about their responsibilities. We'll include links to their implementation and the relevant sections in the docs.
When a plugin needs to define a cache or generate data to be consumed later in the pipeline, this is usually implemented as WeakMap
based caches keyed with the ResolvedConfig
of the current run. These caches are re-init in the buildStart
hook (see example) to support build --watch
Users can control the application order of a plugin using the enforce
property. You can also see where the pre
and post
plugins are inserted in the final plugins array.
- Alias
- ... User pre plugins (with
enforce: 'pre'
) - Vite core plugins
- ... User normal plugins (without
) - Vite build plugins
- ... User post plugins (with
enforce: 'post'
) - Vite post build plugins
The plugins for a default configuration of a Vite build run are:
- vite build
- Warming Up
- The Big Picture
- An Opinionated Rollup Setup
- Starting from the CLI
- The Plugins Pipeline
- Plugins Walkthrough
- 1.
- 2.
... user pre plugins
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12.
... user normal plugins
- 13.
- 14.
- 15.
- 16.
- 17.
- 18.
- 19.
- 20.
... user post plugins
- 21.
- 22.
- 23.
- 24.
- 25.
- 26.
- 27.
- 1.
- The Vite ecosystem
- Closing Thoughts
1. alias
This is the official @rollup/plugin-alias, called as aliasPlugin({ entries: config.resolve.alias })
. See Vite docs for resolve.alias
. This is a plugin for defining aliases when bundling packages, same as resolve.alias
in Webpack. Configuring Vite with
resolve: {
alias: { '/@components': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components') }
Lets you write your imports from anywhere in your source as
import Button from '/@components/Button.vue'
This plugin then resolves the path and transpile them to the real path
import Button from '../../components/Button.vue'
2. ... user pre plugins
These are the plugins with enforce: 'pre'
. For example, the @rollup/plugin-image
requires this flag so it is applied before Vite asset handling internal plugins.
3. vite:modulepreload-polyfill
This plugin adapts the module preload polyfill from guybedford/es-module-shims. You can see more details in ES Module Preloading & Integrity. This polyfill allows Vite to preload modules to avoid a loading waterfall, supporting non-chromium browsers. See the modulePreloadPolyfillPlugin
implementation. The import for the polyfill is auto-injected if needed while transforming the html in vite:build-html
4. vite:resolve
This plugin serves a similar purpose to @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
. It locates modules using the Node resolution algorithm, for using third party modules in node_modules
. It is different from the official rollup plugin because of the need for special handling for Vite-specific features (SSR and dev server). You can see resolvePlugin
implementation here. There is quite a bit of complexity in this plugin to replicate the way Node resolve files.
5. vite:html-inline-proxy-plugin
This plugin loads inline scripts of entry HTML files as separate modules. These scripts are removed from the HTML source by the vite:build-html
plugin and replaced with a script module tag pointing to a virtual proxy module identified by a suffix and its position in the HTML ?html-proxy&index={n}
. This allows these modules to be processed by the rollup pipeline and bundled with the rest of the imported modules. See the htmlInlineScriptProxyPlugin
6. vite:css
This plugin works together with the vite:css-post
plugin to implement Vite's CSS features. Support for pre-processors (postCSS, sass, less), including resolving imported URLs. Check out the compileCSS
implementation for details. This plugin also record CSS dependencies from @imports
. See the cssPlugin
7. vite:esbuild
A plugin to transforms .js
, .ts
, .jsx
, and .tsx
files with esbuild to strips the types and compile JSX. This plugin also injects the configured JSX helpers like import React from 'react'
, see options.jsxInject
. Internally uses transformWithEsbuild, which is independent of the Vite plugins pipeline and exported as a utility. Several community plugins are also using it internally. See the esbuildPlugin
8. vite:json
Handles importing of JSON files, see Vite docs for this feature. This is similar to @rollup/plugin-json, but supports a json.stringify
option to further optimize the bundle if named exports are not needed.
// import the entire object
import json from './example.json'
// or import a root field as named exports, helping with tree shaking
import { field } from './example.json'
See jsonPlugin
9. vite:wasm
This plugin allows users to import pre-compiled .wasm
files directly. See WebAssembly docs. This is similar to @rollup/plugin-wasm but uses a slightly different API. The async constructor returns the exports
object directly instead of an instance
object with an exports
import init from './example.wasm'
const exports = await init()
See the wasmPlugin
10. 'vite:worker'
This plugin adds support for creating Web Workers by importing them. See the Worker docs. The plugin uses rollup to bundle the workers so regular workers can be used, as Firefox doesn't support module workers at this point. This bundle can also be inlined using the &inline
import MyWorker from './my-worker.js?worker'
const worker = new MyWorker()
See the webWorkerPlugin
11. 'vite:asset'
This plugin implements Vite's Assets handling. For example, importing a static asset returns the resolved public URL including its hash. In production, this plugin resolves imgUrl
to a string. In the example below, it could be '/assets/img.2d8efhg.png'
import imgUrl from './img.png'
document.getElementById('hero-img').src = imgUrl
In renderChunk
, the assets URL are overwritten to their public path in the dist folder.
Vite uses suffixes to explicitly import URLs (?url
) and import asset as strings (?raw
), and these features are also resolved in by this plugin. See implementation for ?url and ?raw handling.
See the complete assetPlugin
12. ... user normal plugins
Plugins without an enforce
13. vite:define
A plugin to define global constant replacements, equivalent to the official @rollup/plugin-replace. Check out the define docs. Entries will be defined as globals during dev and statically replaced during build. The replacement is regex-based so only constants like __APP_VERSION__
should be used or you could end up with replacements inside strings.
define: {
__APP_VERSION__: `JSON.stringify(${version})`
See the definePlugin
14. vite:css-post
This plugin minifies the bundled CSS chunks with esbuild. See the minifyCSS
function for details.
Asset URL placeholders are resolved to their final build path.
It also implements CSS Code Splitting. For each async chunk, the CSS used by its modules is bundled and extracted in a separate async chunk, loaded via a <link>
tag when needed. This CSS file is guaranteed to be loaded before the async chuck is evaluated, thus avoiding FOUC.
This is a simplified version of the preload client helper injected by Vite in the built code.
function createLink(dep) {
// JS -> <link rel="modulepreload" href="dep" />
// CSS -> <link rel="stylesheet" href="dep" />
function preload(importModule, deps) {
return Promise.all(
deps.map(dep => {
if (!alreadyLoaded(dep)) {
if (isCss(dep)) {
// Wait for CSS to load to avoid FOUC
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
link.addEventListener('load', resolve)
link.addEventListener('error', reject)
).then(() => importModule())
This plugin will transform dynamic imports using this helper. The following
will be transpiled into
() => import('/assets/async.js),
If build.cssCodeSplit
is false, these chunks are injected by the vite:build-html
plugin as link tags
See the cssPostPlugin
15. vite:build-html
This plugin compiles .html
scripts into an entry JS module. It first removes the script tags from the HTML in the transform
hook, generating a JS file that imports each module and asset. The JS bundles are later inserted in the generateBundle
hook and the assets in the vite:asset
plugin. As described in vite:modulepreload-polyfill
, if there is at least one script module in the module, the module preload polyfill will be auto-injected. See the buildHtmlPlugin
16. commonjs
This is the official @rollup/plugin-commonjs, that converts CommonJS modules to ES6 so they can be included in a Rollup bundle. During dev, Vite performs dependencies pre-bundling using esbuild that takes care of converting from CommonJS to ES6, but during build time the pre-bundles are not currently used so the 'commonjs' plugin is needed.
17. 'vite:data-uri'
A plugin equivalent to @rollup/plugin-data-uri, which imports modules from Data URIs. For example, Base64 encoding is supported for well-formed data:
import batman from 'data:application/json;base64, eyAiYmF0bWFuIjogInRydWUiIH0=';
See the dataURIPlugin
18. rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables
This is the official @rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars plugin, used to support variables in dynamic imports. It is configured with build.dynamicImportVarsOptions
. and allows users to write dynamic resolved imports:
function importLocale(locale) {
return import(`./locales/${locale}.js`);
19. vite:asset-import-meta-url
Convert new URL(path, import.meta.url)
to its resolved built URL. Check out the docs in Static Asset Handling Guide. It also supports template string with dynamic segments:
new URL(`./dir/${name}.png`, import.meta.url)
Would be transformed to
See the assetImportMetaUrlPlugin
20. ... user post plugins
Plugins with the enforce: 'post'
flag. For example, 'vite:legacy-post-process'
, a sub plugin of @vitejs/plugin-legacy
, enforces this position to apply the babel in renderChunk
after all other internal plugins have run. This plugin runs in the same position as vite:esbuild-transpile
and vite:terser
, replacing them to use babel for the legacy transpilation.
21. vite:build-import-analysis
This plugin lexes, resolves, rewrites, and analyzes URL imports. This is the build counterpart of the dev-only 'vite:build-import-analysis'
Dynamic imports are augmented with preload directives. A helper is injected in client code for preloading CSS and direct imports of async chunks in parallel to the async chunk itself. See dependencies analysis to include the correct chunks to preload in the generateBundle
hook. Async Chunk Loading OptimizationaddDeps
Glob Imports are identified and then transpiled using transformImportGlob. For example
const modules = import.meta.glob('./dir/*.js')
is transformed to
const modules = {
'./dir/foo.js': () => import('./dir/foo.js'),
'./dir/bar.js': () => import('./dir/bar.js')
See the buildImportAnalysisPlugin
22. vite:esbuild-transpile
This plugin performs transpilation of each rendered chunk to support the configured targets, see the Browser Compatibility docs and the build.target
option. If build.minify
is 'esbuild'
, it will also use esbuild to minify the code avoiding the need of terser. See the buildEsbuildPlugin
implementation. This plugin also uses the exported transformWithEsbuild
23. vite:terser
If build.minify
is 'terser'
(currently the default), this plugin is used to minify each rendered chunk using terser
. Vite may switch to esbuild as default soon which is 20~40x faster than terser. See the terserPlugin
24. vite:manifest
If build.manifest
is enabled, this plugin generates a manifest.json
file that contains a mapping of non-hashed asset filenames to their hashed versions, which can then be used by a server framework to render the correct asset links. See the Backend Integration guide for more details and the manifestPlugin
25. vite:ssr-manifest
If build.ssrManifest
is enabled, this plugin is included to generate an ssr-manifest.json
file that contains mappings of module IDs to their associated chunks and asset files. This information can be used to render preload directives for files used by async routes in SSR. See Generating Preload Directives for more information and the ssrManifestPlugin
26. vite:reporter
A plugin to log progress and a report with information about the generated chunks and assets. See the buildReporterPlugin
$ vite build
vite v2.6.2 building for production...
✓ 34 modules transformed.
dist/assets/favicon.17e50649.svg 1.49 KiB
dist/assets/logo.ecc203fb.svg 2.61 KiB
dist/index.html 0.52 KiB
dist/assets/index.3015a40c.js 1.39 KiB / gzip: 0.73 KiB
dist/assets/index.d93758c6.css 0.77 KiB / gzip: 0.49 KiB
dist/assets/vendor.a9c538d6.js 129.47 KiB / gzip: 41.77 KiB
Done in 2.90s.
27. vite:load-fallback
A simple plugin that provides build load fallback for arbitrary requests with queries. See the loadFallbackPlugin
The Vite ecosystem
In this post, we are only describing the basic setup Vite. If you are using a framework, you'll include a plugin from its community that provides support for transpiling custom formats (.vue
, .svelte
, .astro
), and perform further framework specific build optimizations. You'll also extend Vite's capabilities through plugins to load other file formats, comfortably work with icons, add PWA support, and so on. You can find a list of Vite community plugins in Awesome Vite, or in Awesome Rollup since most of them are compatible with Vite. Integrations also use Vite Javascript API as part of more complex setups that use Vite internally. There is also an increasing number of plugins implemented with unplugin, a unified plugin system for Vite, Rollup, and Webpack. Vite build can also be used through Vite JavaScript API, allowing integrations with more complex tools and app frameworks.
Closing Thoughts
One of the keys to Vite's success has been to choose Rollup as its underlying bundler during build time. Vite offers a complete and well-tested solution out of the box for production apps. esbuild could be used in the future as an optional bundler, but at this point, it is a good call to avoid the burden on maintenance and API design needed by a more general unbundled abstraction.
Web tooling is in constant evolution. For example, there is a big push in the React community to replace babel transforms with SWC equivalents. Where it makes sense, Vite will evolve to adopt these improvements. Vite is in a position to offer a stable framework while switching to faster and simpler tools for its internals as time goes on. This is part of Vite's pragmatic philosophy when navigating tradeoffs. Vite uses the best available tools to provide a solution that is performant, solid and ready to be used today.
Last updated on 2021-10-05
Connect with me on Twitter or in Discord @patak.
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Vite 2
A VitePress powered post about Vite 2 and the importance of the instant feedback loop that it enables

Cover photo from @venczakjanos